The scoping study which Nordregio, Oxford Research and Reeleaf (the NORth consortium) have prepared for the Joint Secretariat and the Programme Preparation Group for the Interreg North Sea Region Programme 2021-2027 has now been published. It delivers knowledge to the development of the coming programme with a focus on the prioritisation of policy objectives.
The report assesses how the policy objectives of the European Regional Development Fund for the 2021-2027 programme period fit with the needs of the North Sea Region. It does so by taking into consideration the European Commission’s recommendations for the 2021-2027 Programme and achievements and lessons learned in the 2014-2020 Programme. It provides insight into specific challenges and opportunities of the North Sea Region based on an analysis of regional development statistics. Furthermore, through the inclusion of stakeholder perspectives and an analysis of policy documents of the countries/regions involved, the scoping study helps the Joint Secretariat and the Programme Preparation Committee to understand how the objectives of the European Commission fit with the participating countries’ national and regional priorities.
Find more information on the website of the Interreg North Sea Region Programme
For more information, you are welcome to contact: Senior Analyst, Lise Smed Olsen